Friday, October 31, 2008

The Experiment

okay okay... that's a really bad title for this, but essentially, that's what my next month is going to be.

last night, my girlfriend (of over 3 years) and i decided to take a one month fast from each other, in order to seek God's will for our lives individually as well as a couple. we are not broken up, nor are we planning on breaking up... this is just something we felt we needed to do, so we could properly seek the will of the Lord. neither of us wanted to be a distraction to the other during this important time in our lives, so we came to this agreement.

so here i am... day one. i've only been at this for 5 1/2 hours, and this is already really difficult. i've had to stop myself from calling or texting her at least 15 times. all i want to do right now is reassure her that i do love her and that i'm really excited for what this next month is going to do for us, but i'm sure she is aware of it. so, i trust that God is taking care of her, and i continue on with my day.

on the bright side, it's day one and i already feel like God is speaking to me. this morning, for the first time in entirely too long, i willingly and prayerfully got into my Bible, and i feel like God really placed a calling on me. i read the last chapter of 2 Timothy, where Paul exhorts Timothy to "do the work of an evangalist", "preach the Word" and "fulfill (his) ministry". i really felt like God was speaking directly to me through this. now if i could only peg down what my ministry is....

anyway, i'm going to try to write down my thoughts and what i'm dealing with every day during this next month, sort of as a journal... something i can refer back to and track the progress of my heart and walk with God.

so there you have it.... day one.


Bible - God
13 Ways to Ruin Your Life - Jarrod Jones

Mighty To Save - Hillsong (especially "From The Inside Out"... amazing song.)
Cosmos - The Send
Vheissu - Thrice