Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 12

sooo... a week later, i finally decided to gete at this again.

it's now day 12 of the fast, and i can honestly say that this is incredibly difficult. i'm not going to go all melodramatic and say that this is the hardest thing i've ever had to do, because i don't think it is; this is, however, a trial of my will power and devotion to God, as well as my devotion to my beautiful girlfriend.

i still haven't heard anything as far as my path in life, and that's really frustrating. i feel like i'm doing something wrong or maybe i'm just not listening hard enough. it may sounds strange, but i almost feel like i'm failing at fasting... hahaha. but seriously, i'm going to press on, continue the fast, continue praying and seeking after God, in hopes of an answer. eventually, it'll happen.

on the drum line front - our marching band qualified for SCJA State Championships last saturday (on a technicality, but we're still going!). needless to say, the kids were incredibly excited. we have a lot of work to do over the next week and a half, so wish us luck and i'll let you know what happens.



Atlantis EP - Jonathan Steingard
New Surrender - Anberlin


Bree said...

you'll get through it :] if God puts it before you, He'll pull you through it. .

Joel Hosler said...

you are terrible at this... NO jk i would have given in after a week... Hang in there, and see you tonight...
